Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This past weekend Lady A and her mom, S, came for a visit.  We took them to their very first pumpkin patch.  This place was awesome so I think they are going to be disappointed if they ever go anywhere else :-)  

Here's a bunch of pictures from our fun day:

Check out this sweet ride!

The race is on!  Kade pretty much lapped all of us.  Sometimes it pays to be short!!

They had so many cool things for kids to do, you could literally spend all day there and not get bored!

Kade only asked about a million times to go on the hay wagon ride!  Every time the tractor went by he stopped whatever he was doing to watch it.

A couple of handsome cowboys!  I don't think I'd ask them to help on my ranch though because nobody was too successful at actually roping the cow!!

Kade showing off the mini pumpkins he picked out.  When we got home he put one in our room and one in his room.  Very festive :-)

Every time I pick him up from daycare he asks if I brought him a drink and a snack.  I never do because I come straight from work.  Yesterday, however, I happened to have some candy corn in my purse so I actually did have a snack when he asked!

Kade:  "Did you bring me a drink too?"
Me: "Nope."
Kade:  "Mom, maybe we should put a sink in your car so you can get me a drink next time I ask!"
See?  The kid's a genius :-)

Kade had a really big and stinky #2 the other day.
Me: "Uff da, Buddy!  That is a big, stinky poop!!!!"
Kade (hands on his hips, head cocked to the side):  "Well Mom, that's just what farmers do."

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