Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall is here!  Actually, we woke up this morning to a little bit of snow on the ground so maybe Fall is gone already?  I never thought I'd see this day come but Kade is FINALLY sensitive to cold weather!  Rain, snow, sleet, -30 or 100 degrees, it never mattered he wanted to be outside which meant I had to be outside.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the outdoors but not when I can't feel my toes 2 seconds after going out.  Last night we went for a walk after supper, when we got back Erik and I were looking at our lit up pumpkin and Kade told us it was too cold, went inside and left us outside.  That has never happened before!

I've been complaining about cold weather and snow on its way and Kade always responds, "Well Mom, snow is coming so you better get used to it."  He's too smart for his own good.  Someday he's going to make millions and he's going to buy me a house in the Carribean.  No pressure, little buddy :-)

On a walk in the woods behind our house.  He likes to carry the snow sticks everywhere he goes.  One can never be too prepared, you just never know when you're going to need a couple snow markers!

Getting ready to carve the pumpkin.  He thought he could use his new shovel to scoop out the seeds. Once he realized he couldn't he was done helping me.  Notice the orange snow markers on the left?  Literally has them with him at all times.

He did offer his wheelbarrow for the pumpkin guts and dumped them in the woods for me.  So I guess he did help a little :-)

This year I got one of those pumpkin carving kits.  Those. Are. Awesome!  Much better than the 3 triangles for the eyes and nose and the one big buck tooth in the mouth like I used to carve out.  Kade and Erik played football while I did the dirty work.

The final product!


Some cute pictures of Kade and his cousin, Violet, enjoying his lazy boy together.  I love the middle picture, look at their feet!  Kade has abnormally large feet and Vi's are abnormally small.  Seeing them right next to each other just makes me smile :-)

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