Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oktoberfest 2013

Seeing as how Erik and I look at this blog everyday when we're at work (to see pictures of the big man---since we just can't get enough of him!), it's time to put Monday's post way, way behind us and move on to happier thoughts!

A couple weeks ago we went to the Oktoberfest parade with Owen, Ellie and Rylee.  I did a similar post last year and it was fun to go back and see how much the kiddos have changed in just one year!
This year was a little more relaxed as far as not having to worry so much about them being run over by floats :-) They actually get the concept of staying back now!  Well, except Rylee but seeing as how she's #3, Megan isn't quite as nervous as she was with Owen (#1).  It's kind of a running joke.  Poor Rylee, half the time we just call her #3 :-)  Kade kept a close eye on her the whole time though....she is his future bride, after all!!

Don't worry, the parade hadn't actually started yet so it was okay that all the kids were in the middle of the street, I swear!!

See?  Rylee was in good hands the entire time!

Owen found a good spot to store the candy bag while waiting for the goods to show up.

Kade and Ellie, solving the world's problems.  Maybe they can figure out how to get the government up and running?

Definitely the coolest "float" in the parade!  

Kade and Owen were chomping at the bit to get cool tattoos again this year.  Luckily the fire department came through for us!

They made scarecrow hats at daycare!  What a goofball.

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