Thursday, October 17, 2013


The other day I asked Kade if he would be my shopping buddy.  He replied, "No mom, I'm a FARM buddy."  Just to prove his point of not being a shopper, I gave him the option of spending Wednesday shopping with me or going to daycare on his "day off".  Yep, he chose daycare.

We've been stuffing Kade's size 11.5 feet into his size 10 basketball shoes for awhile now so we figured it's about time to update them.  He's been asking when basketball is going to start, he still loves playing and watching all sports!

Playing some tough defense on the Tall Guy.

He stole the ball from dad....

Lines up for a jump shot...

He shoots!

He scores!!

Cutest little defender I've ever seen.

As Kade likes to say, "Wook at that Stud Mans!"

Last week, Grandma C got Kade a Vikings helmet.  He's been carrying it around with him everywhere he goes.  He's also been using it as an excuse to not do things.

Me:  "It's time for a nap."
Kade: "Mom, football players don't take naps."

Me: "Kade, it's too cold for shorts.  You need to wear pants."
Kade:  "Mom, football players get too sweaty in pants.  Football players wear shorts."

Kade: "Mom, I need cleats.  Football players run faster in cleats."

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