Tuesday, June 27, 2017

It was a weekend of birthday parties for the Kade Man.  Saturday morning started off with a birthday party in Chester Woods.  Unfortunately he didn't actually get a picture with the birthday boy because he was more interested in fishing all day with his buddy, Porter.  The boys (I was at a baby shower and then doing some much needed cleaning) ended up fishing from 10 am until 4 pm!!  Then at 4:00, Kade and Porter headed off to birthday party number 2!

Kade came home complaining of a belly ache.  I'm sure it had nothing to do with 2 birthday cakes, cupcakes and who knows how much candy!!  

Thank goodness for my mom friends sending me pictures and updates throughout the day!

Erik sent me this picture around 3:00 (they were supposed to be home around 1:00).  I think to prove the boys were still alive.

Sandi, the mom in the above picture, sent me these of Mason.  He was super excited about the worms.  Every time he caught weeds (which sounds like it was a lot), he'd exclaim, "I caught a sea horse!"

Kade and Porter 

Pictures from Party #2!

I love this picture.  
Just have to wonder what these bathing beauties are talking about.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Father's Day

Father's Day (and Mother's Day) is always a time for us to reflect on the boy's beginnings, before we were chosen.  Because, where would we be without their birthparents?  After all, it was them that gave us the reason to celebrate these days.
We don't know much at all about the boy's birthfathers.  They had no part at all in making the adoption plan for their sons.  However, as we all know, they played a pivotal role in creating these beautiful masterpieces and for that we are forever grateful.  
Erik is a great dad, the boys adore him.  They are lucky to have him as a father but he'll be the first to tell you that he's the lucky one.  He and I can't get enough of Kade and Mason.  We love them so much our hearts burst.  
On this day we recognize Erik and rightfully so, but we also say a silent thank you to the birthdads who made this all possible.

Mason being...well...Mason.  
Why is Kade in baseball pants on a Sunday evening you ask?  Well, they were playing catch in the yard.  So OF COURSE he's dressing the part!  There's a reason this kid won for being the fastest to get in and out of outdoor clothing for recess at school, 2 years running!

I told them to make a variety of silly faces in hopes to trick Mason into making a "Smiley Face" at the end....

...it worked.  Kind of.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

At the last minute we decided to make it a 3-peat and go camping for the 3rd weekend in a row.  We wait all year for warm weather, and this weekend didn't disappoint (90's all weekend!), so we decided to take advantage when we can!  Thank goodness for our friends the Z's, they're always willing to camp too, our kids get along great and they take the best pictures!!  :-)

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Kade's got Kindergarten under his belt, he's now officially a first grader!  Bittersweet day for me because I can't believe Kindergarten is over!  It's going way too fast, time needs to slow down!!  He did great this year!  I'm so proud of my big little man.  Oddly, I think he looks younger in his last day picture than he does in his first day picture?!  I think it's because his hair is longer.

Last day of Kindergarten

First day of Kindergarten
Mason wanted nothing to do with getting his picture taken.

So I snuck one in when he wasn't paying attention.  Look at that tired little man!

We celebrated the end of school with a camping trip.  It was hot but the weather was great!  The boys (except Mason) golfed and fished.  We went for a long bike ride, got ice cream, played a park, and went swimming.  Another exhausting, yet great weekend camping is under our belts!

Mason and Harper...look at those conspiring faces.

We got ice cream while the boys golfed...

Poor Kade had to use Erik's clubs.  He liked it though, so it looks like we're buying a junior set of clubs soon!

Cute little fishermen.

Time for summer cuts!  Mohawks for everyone!!!