Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Last year for Halloween we went trick-or-treating to exactly 1 house, this year we multiplied that by 5!  Yep, we went to 5 houses :-)  I think the boys were more excited to ride in the back of Michael's minivan, out of their car seats, than they were about the free candy.  Normally I'm all about walking house-to-house, however it was windy and cold and I'm pretty sure with two 3 year olds and a 1 year old we wouldn't have beat last year's record!

Here's my little cowboy in the morning before going to his daycare party.

By the end of the day the cowboy hat was off and a winter coat was on.  Gotta love trick-or-treating in Minnesota!

I love this picture of Taylor, even though all you can see is his big dog head :-)

Our first stop.  Of course Kade was super shy!  I pretty much had to push him up to the door and hold his bag out for him.  By our last stop he had the hang of it!

I swear they did have fun!  I don't think I got one picture of the 3 of them actually smiling!

Last Saturday was our annual leaf raking day at my parent's house.  Growing up I hated that day.  Kade, on the other hand, is in pure bliss the entire day.  I've said this many times before but I just can't say enough how much this kid LOVES to work!!  I surprised him with new "work gloves" because he wore a hole in his old ones.  He's only 3 years old and he already has "old", worn out work gloves!

He had a sleepover the night before.  Poor Grandma and Grandpa had to start raking sooner than they had planned because Kade wanted to get going ASAP!

Safety first!!!

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