Friday, October 11, 2013

Kade Quote

A little back story: We had borrowed some of Violet's baby stuff, just in case we had a baby girl come home with us last Saturday. This past Wednesday, Jenna and Violet came over for a playdate and Jenna took the baby stuff home.
Also, we have about 3 billion box elder bugs outside of our house right now.

Kade to Jenna: "Jenna, don't take that stuff! It's for my baby sister!"
(heart wrenching, I know. If it's hard for you to read, imagine how hard it was to hear his little voice say it!)

Me to Kade: "It's okay, buddy. She can take it. Let's go sit down and have a talk."

Me: "You remember that girl that had the baby in her tummy? She decided that she wants to be the baby's mommy so she is going to keep her. We won't be having a baby girl live with us."

Kade: "So I don't get a baby sister?"

Me: "No."

Kade: "Oh."

Me: "Are you sad, Kade? Do you want to talk about how you feel right now?"

Kade: "No. I'm gonna go kill bugs."

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