Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Erik and Mason have been into making bonfires lately.  Mason decided to take it upon himself to build his own little fire pit next to Erik's big one.  When Erik is out there with him that's no big deal.  However, a couple days after this picture was taken, Erik was inside working when he looked out the window and saw Mason had started himself a fire without letting anyone know.  And, that is when we had to have the fire safety talk (not that we haven't had that talk a million times already). 

Finally enough snow for tubing and snowmobiles!


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Ice Skating

No sports, no in school learning, no play dates, no sleep overs with friends means hours and hours and HOURS of ice skating.  Did I mention hours?  To put it into perspective, we dropped Kade off at the ice rink at 9:30am yesterday and picked him up from the rink at 4:30pm.  He was there, and skating, THE ENTIRE time.  And that's just one day.  He's done that more days than I can remember.  Mason isn't quite that dedicated.  He's skated A LOT more than I ever thought he would but not nearly as much as Kade-O has.  
They get to see friends they haven't seen forever, they can't really get too up in each other's faces because none of them are that coordinated on blades, and they get hours of fresh air and exercise!  Never thought I'd be so grateful for ice!!

Mason showing off his "skills".
Kade is way too cool to let Erik record him.  


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The last of the Christmas celebrations with Erik's family were held outdoors around a bonfire.  Thankfully we were all able to be together, the fire was hot and the kids had fun running around.  Of course we missed all of the delicious food and not being able to just lay around and enjoy each other's company for the whole day.  Hopefully soon we can have a day like that!  

The boys have been LOVING ice skating this year.  I can't tell you how many hours they've spent at the rink.  I do know that in one weekend, Kade put over 11 hours on the ice with his buddy, Owen.  That's just 2 days!  He's been there almost every day for the past 2 weeks!!  Mason isn't quite that dedicated but he has skated more than I ever thought he would.  I think they realized that the only way they're going to be able to socialize with friends is if they're outside and what better way to pass the time than skating and playing hockey?!
This is the first time putting their skates on for the year.

Christmas celebration at Erin and Kurt's

Baby Owen!

Their shed is every kid's (and dad's) dream!


Monday, January 4, 2021

Covid Christmas

Although this Christmas was a bummer because we weren't able to see everyone we love in traditional settings, we did manage to have a pretty memorable holiday.  I had the 23rd-30th off because we were supposed to be in Atlanta.  Instead we hung out at home and I'm not going to lie, it was pretty darn relaxing!!  I can't remember a Christmas being this stress free since I was a kid and my only job was to snoop for presents before they were wrapped!!  I'll take the stress though if it means we can be with family and friends again.  Fingers crossed next year is back to normal.

The boys helping prep some appetizers for Christmas Eve

Kade and I enjoying our holiday mugs!

Mason got his very own Comfy for Christmas!!
He's always trying to steal mine.

But of course it wouldn't be Christmas if Mason didn't take his shirt off!

Erik's ready for summer!!

It wouldn't be Christmas Eve without the dining room table full of legos!

The most relaxing Christmas Day ever.