Thursday, March 3, 2011

Week in Review

On Monday Kade had a play date with our neighbor, Michael, for a couple hours.  Judging by the pictures, I have a feeling these two are already planning on keeping all of us on our toes!  I wonder if it's possible to put a gate across our cul-de-sac to keep them contained?  Michael is 2 months older than Kade so he teaches Kade all he knows.  Michael has started army crawling and Kade loves to watch him move!

Heads together, backs to the adults.  Hmm, what could they be planning already?!?
Cool car, Michael!  Wanna race them?

Looks like Dad's firetruck won.  Doesn't Dad know he's supposed to let the kids win now??
 On Wednesday I took Kade to visit Dad, Grandma and my coworkers since we all work at the same place.  Kade seems to have outgrown his stranger anxiety but just to make sure Grandma took him to see each and everyone of her coworkers!  Just kidding, Grandma :-)  There were a lot of ladies that gushed over Kade though and he loved all the attention.  Looks like I might be able to try the mall again!

My shirt says "Lil' Heart Breaker".  Appropriate attire when visiting a whole bunch of ladies who can't get enough of me! :-)
 Today is just a day at home.  Although, we might venture out for a coffee and some paint samples.  Erik needs something to do around the house so why not put him to work painting? :-)  By the looks of Kade's jeans in the above picture, you'd think I put him to work painting too!

Helloooo ladies!  Check out my bulging forearms...why yes, I do work out.

Abs of steel!  I am going to look good at the pool this summer.

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