Thursday, March 10, 2011

the post about nothing

I've been "scolded" by  2 different people for not having a new post yesterday!  Sorry!  My only excuse is that the Kade Man usually sleeps a combined total of 2 hours during the day (for me anyway, my daycare lady swears she gets more) but yesterday the little darling gave me about an hour!  Erik tells me we can't complain because he sleeps 10-12 hours straight at night.  One hour, split in 3 uneven increments, does not leave a gal much time to shower, eat, check, and update a know, the necessities :-)

As I sit here, with Kade on my lap, I'm backspacing about every other letter because he seems to think he'd like to add a few words.  Someday he will, but right now his vocabulary consists of laughing at his nerdy parents, interspersed with a few loud screams and grunts.  Needless to say, we don't need his input quite yet :-)

So, I'll top off my post about nothing with a lot of pictures of the Main Attraction.  Luckily he's super cute to make up for this lame post!

I love this picture because his hat is already squishing his cheeks for me!
Nothing better than going for an airplane ride on one of the longest legs ever!
This picture doens't do justice the excitement Kade feels at the height of his airplane ride.
The face of, "I didn't do it."
An attempt at a self portrait.  No names, but somebody moved...
2nd, and last, attempt.  Notice his tongue sticking out just a little?  That's his "concentrating really hard" face.  It produces the most drool.

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