Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring is here!!

Ahh, spring!  It's officially nice enough to go outside again!  It's been a long winter cooped up inside so Kade, Molly and I took advantage of the sunny day with very little wind.  It was also Kade's first time in the stroller as a "big boy".  That made me a little sad but he looked so darn cute and he loved it!  Like I said before, he's a little nosy so sitting up was perfect for him because he could watch Molly and check out the neighbors at the same time.

The last walk of 2010.  It was 10/29, Kade was a little over 2 months old.

One of the first walks of 2011.  Now he's almost 8 months.  I'm always amazed at how much he changes!

His hat is a little big, but adorable :-)

We're working on our stance.  It tends to be a little wide right now.

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