Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Okay, maybe the most wonderful time of the year is Christmas but this week is 2nd!  The days are longer thanks to daylight's saving, it's 50+ degrees outside, the snow is melting's tournament time!!!  March Madness has officially started!  Usually Erik and I spend this weekend glued to the tv, checking our brackets and trash talking each other.  This year, while we'll definitely have the games on, I'm not sure how much basketball will actually get watched with the Kade Man keeping us busy.  I'll gladly choose watching him over basketball any day though.

On a completely different note, Kade caught his first cold this week :-(  I'm glad we were lucky to avoid any illness for the first 7 months but I wish we could've avoided it longer.  He's still managing to smile even though there's about a gallon of snot flowing out of his nose.

Again, with the randomness of my topics, he had his 2nd flu shot yesterday.  The nurse held his legs, I held his arms and I prepared for the worst.  Here's the crazy part, he didn't even notice!!!  She gave him the shot, he smiled and talked through out the process.  I looked at her and asked if she was done yet, wondering why it was taking so long.  She said she was done and that she swore she gave it to him, there was blood to prove it but he never even winced!!  She said she'd never had that happen before, I asked her again if she gave it to him because he always cries.  We both stared at each other in awe, while Kade laid on the table kicking his legs and laughing at us.  Either she is the most amazing shot giver in the history of shots, Kade has a very high tolerance for pain, or his chubby baby thighs buffered the needle stick pain.  Probably the last option, because his legs definitely wouldn't be considered skinny! :-)

My future's so bright...

One of my favorite things to do, look at myself in the mirror.

Hey good lookin'!!

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