Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy Saturday

It's the weekend!  Kade and I got up for a jug and a fresh diaper today at 4 a.m.  Somebody wasn't tired at all and somebody was very tired.  I'll let you make that call.  Back in bed by 5 and up at 7.  Enough is enough Dad!  I don't know how anybody can get out of bed and then two seconds later wide awake and making noise!  We hung out in jumperoo for a bit and played with toys.  We all know what playing in jumperoo means...a dirty diaper.  So Kade and I decided to try a bath before Mom was even awake.  Man it's tough getting all those creases!

Splish Splash, Kade was takin' a bath 'long about a Saturday morning
A rub dub, just relaxing in the tub, thinkin everything was all right

When it was all said and done I think we did all right.  I don't know how Mom didn't wake up to our singing, but she didn't even know bath time was complete when she woke up.  Johnny Tractor is warming up to go scoop snow this morning.  Really, there is a loader on the front end.  Can't you see it! :-)

 Mom likes to check if cloths still fit me and this morning it was my stocking cap.  I wasn't even going outside! 
It's been a long morning folks so I think I'll take a nap sideways in my bed with my foot handing out.  Haven't seen this position before!  You just never know.

It looks like a winter wonderland outside right now with huge snowflakes filling the air.  I feel like we should go sledding, snowmobiling, or something.

Have a great weekend!

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