Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Saturday Night

Erik and I spent Saturday night in the cities helping celebrate his sister's birthday while my parents watched Kade.  It wasn't the first night my mom had spent with him but it was her first night without me there.  Kade's bedtime is 7:30 and that's by Kade's choice, we can hardly get him to stay awake til then most nights anyway!  I called around 9:00 to see how bedtime went, imagine our surprise when we found out he was still awake!!  I guess Kade had plans to party on Saturday night too!  I think he might have his grandparents wrapped around his chubby, little baby fingers.

He was pretty tired on Sunday which worked in our favor since we were pretty tired too.  Neither Erik nor I have seen 3:00 am in a long time unless it was to feed Kade his bottle.  Who am I kidding, I barely see 9:00 pm these days!!

(This was taken from a cell phone so it's not the best quality)  Grandpa is already teaching Kade how to operate fast moving "toys"!  How small do they make helmets???

So tired after his night of partying, he fell asleep sucking on the elephant's trunk.

Question:  What's more fun than playing with the handle of a drawer?

Answer:  Pulling open the drawer!

Don't let this sweet face fool you, he's always up to no good in his walker!

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