Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving, for my side of the family, was at our house this year so my mom (Randi) and my aunt (Rozie) came over on Wednesday to do the cooking.  Well, Rozie did pretty much all of the cooking although Randi managed to whip up the green bean casserole.  They, along with my 10 year old cousin Lauren, stayed overnight in order to prepare the food in the morning as well.  I'm pretty sure Kade loved every minute of it!  I say that because he refused to take any naps or go to bed that night but he never got too fussy from lack of sleep!  I think he thought if he was a good boy he could stay up so he wouldn't  miss out on all the fun!  He also loved to watch Lauren, whenever she talked he would find her in the room and stare at her. 

Friday I had to work so Erik and Kade had some guy time together, although Kade spent most of the day catching up on his sleep.  I thought I would come home to a clean house and supper ready but Erik quickly realized it's next to impossible to get anything done!  And he thought being a stay-at-home parent would be easy.  Ha! 

Sunday we celebrated Thanksgiving with Erik's family.  Erik's cousin has a 5 year old and 9 month old twins so dinner was a bit chaotic this year.  Whoever got done eating first grabbed a baby so the next round could eat.  I don't think anybody actually stayed in their same chair for the entire meal so keeping track of your silverware was a bit tricky at times.  The twins are long awaited blessings as well so everybody was pretty excited for "Holiday Baby Chaos".  It was fantastic!  Unfortunately Reed (the 5 yr. old) had to go home early because he didn't feel well.  Normally he spends his time entertaining the 3 babies so it was up to us "old folks" to keep them all occupied.  Whew!  That's tough work especially when you have a belly full of food!  Luckily Kade isn't moving much but next year we might have to start training in August in order to be ready to chase 3 toddlers around.  I can't wait!

By Monday Kade was officially pooped.  He slept most of the day at daycare and went to bed at 7:00 that night.  This weekend was definitely a good warm up for Christmas.  Bring on the Holidays!!
Hanging out after a bath.  Gotta clean up for the company!

Lauren and Kade, the morning of Thanksgiving.

In between all the Thanksgiving meals we devoured, we managed to get a Christmas tree!

Of course no weekend is complete without watching some football with dad!  Check out Kade's shiny new basketball shoes!  Looks like someone needs a basketball hoop for Christmas!

Carter and Kade--The Next Generation

Mommy's Little Helper.  This year we're putting the ornaments on the tree.  I have a feeling that next year he'll be taking them off.

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