Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Grandma K

This post is more for me but I've been wanting to do it for awhile now and decided this is the perfect time of year for it.  My grandma K LOVED Christmas.  I know most people LOVE Christmas but she really enjoyed it.  She loved presents (or as she called them, "packages").  She loved giving them but I think she loved getting them more.  She was like a small child on Christmas morning.  Seriously.  On my mom's side, my cousin has two kids and that's it for children in the family (Kade makes 3 now).  Of course they would dive into the presents without waiting to watch other people open theirs but they are kids--it's expected.  My grandma would dive in at the same time as them!  One time we decided to let each person take a turn and we'd all watch what they opened and boy, was she unhappy!  There's is only 13 people in the family it wasn't like we were talking hours of opening gifts!  But she did not want to wait! 

She also believed in quantity over quality of gifts so most of our gifts came from the dollar store.  Not that I didn't appreciate the thought but my brother and I used to laugh at each other when we saw what the other got from Grandma.  One year she gave all the guys "Santa Pants".  Which were underwear, women's bikinis actually, that glowed in the dark.  We still re-gift those every year to one lucky member of the family and we still laugh hysterically every time.

Grandma K was SO excited about Kade.  She couldn't wait to meet him, hold him and buy him gifts too.  I only wish I could've seen what she would've picked out for him for Christmas.  She passed away this year, 2 weeks after Kade was born.  I feel so blessed that she did get to meet him and hold him one time and we were able to get pictures of them together.  Kade won't remember her but he will get some entertaining stories about her for years to come.  I'm sure he'll soon be the recipient of the Santa Pants as well. 
Kade was only a few days old in this picture.
Grandma was so sick but so excited to meet and hold Kade.  Everyone was tearing up watching her interact with him.
I tried so hard to get a cute picture of Kade and Molly together for the Christmas card.  Unfortunately we had 2 extremely unhappy "Santa's Little Helpers".  This picture pretty much sums up the photo shoot!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma, but how wonderful that she got to meet Kade. Such a blessing! Oh, and Khalil has those PJ's also. Love them! So warm and comfy. :)
