Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What a Week!

Big week for the Kade Man!  On Wednesday, the 8th, he rolled over for the first time!  Back-to-stomach.  Although now we have a problem because Kade hates being on his stomach!  I keep telling him has to learn how to roll back but so far he hasn't listened to me.  I guess that's something I should get used to though!  Our getting dressed routine has changed immensely.  What was once a 2 minute process has lengthened considerably.  Now it goes a little something like this:  Kade's on his back, hold him down, remove article of clothing, look away, Kade's on his belly, Kade cries because he's on his belly, roll him back, Kade laughs, hold him down, put article of clothing on, look away, Kade's on his belly, etc. etc.

Even bigger news is Lady A and her mom S came to visit for the first time!!  We'd planned this weekend back in September and even had back up dates just in case it snowed.  Erik and I both said, "What are the chances of bad weather happening that weekend?!"  Apparently Mother Nature has quite the sense of humor since she sent us the biggest snowstorm since '91!  Luckily they were able to make it out on Sunday instead.  They must have kidnapped Santa along the way because they came bearing lots of fabulous gifts!  Kade is one lucky little guy!  It was a wonderful, special day filled with many emotions and I know they'll be back soon.  Kade is definitely surrounded by love!

Lastly, Erik gave me my Christmas present early.  A bloggie (a video camera the size of a cell phone)!  Hopefully I can get that figured out soon so I can get some videos put on here as well.  In the mean time we'll just have to stick to "old fashioned" pictures.

Playing with Johnny Tractor, a gift from Lady A.

Every month we take a growth picture.  Erik had about 1 second, after I pulled my hands away, to snap the picture before it looked like this:

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