Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas by Kade

Christmas. Is. Awesome!  I got so many toys and books and clothes, my head is spinning!  Not to mention all the fun parties we went to!  I don't know why Mom and Dad scheduled my 4 month appointment right before Christmas but I didn't let it get me down.  When I got home from the appointment Grandma Randi, Grandpa Ranger (Ranger is my mom's nickname for Grandpa.  She says it's because he knows everything and even if he doesn't, he'll make something up.  She tells me if I ever get lost in the woods I'd want Grandpa Ranger with me) and Uncle Jeremy were at my house waiting to open gifts.  I showed them how good of a jumper I am in my Jumperoo and then I went to bed.  I let Mom open my presents for me this year but next year I'll be opening my own!

Then, on Christmas Eve, we went to Grandpa Bill and Grandma Melody's house.  Aunt Erin and Uncle Boy (that's Michael's nickname, Dad gave it to him when Michael was young and now that's what everyone calls him!) were there too.  I think Uncle Boy is pretty funny!  I was sitting on Dad's lap and I looked over at Boy and I about fell over laughing.  Nobody could figure out what I thought was so funny so that made me laugh even harder!  Then everyone started laughing because I was laughing and that scared me so I cried.  But not for long because once I realized I had no reason to cry I started laughing again!  I like to keep people on their toes.  I missed opening presents again though!  This darn baby-sleeps-a-lot thing is starting to get annoying!

On Christmas Day I found some presents that some old guy named Santa brought me.  I've never met him before but he seems pretty cool!  Then we went to Grandpa Ranger's and Grandma Randi's for more fun with the family.  This time there were a lot more people and I had so much fun watching my cousin's, Zach and Lauren! guessed it...I slept through present opening AGAIN!!

Finally, on Sunday, we went to Great Uncle Kevin and Great Aunt Connie's (Dad's uncle and aunt) house for more family fun time.  Geez, big people sure do eat a lot at Christmas time!  Me, I just stuck to my bottle.  I'm gaining enough weight as it is, I don't need cookies to speed up the process!  By Sunday I was just plain tired and I let everyone know by being a little grumpy.  The twins, Paige and Carter, were there too but they were just as tired as I was.  Whew!  The holidays are exhausting!!
I was awake for one present opening! Dad and Mom just got me one gift and put some money in a savings account for me.  They said I could use it when I'm big for something called college.  I don't know what that is but it sounds interesting!

That old guy I was telling you about-Santa, he brought me this cool hat!  Dad says I can wear it to a game this summer!

Mom says boys look cute when they wear their hats backwards.  But Mom tells me I'm cute all the time so I don't think it matters how I wear my hat!

Here I am showing off my roll over skills for Aunt Erin.  I don't know how my stinky socks ended up right by my face!  Look at Carter in the background, I've never seen him lay down before!  The holidays must have been tiring for him too!

Just hangin' out, suckin' on a toy.  I wonder if anyone will move those stinky socks for me?  If I could crawl away, I would!
   Dad and Mom asked me what my New Year's Resolution is.  I think it's to learn how to crawl.  This morning I was laying on my belly (which I still hate!) but I discovered that if I put my butt in the air and bring my knees up it's not so bad.  Happy New Year!!! 


  1. Yes!!!! I am glad you think I am funny K-Will!!

  2. Kade, your mom is right. If you are lost in the woods you definitely want Ranger with you!
