Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Music to my ears...

I love to sing!  I can't carry a tune to save my life but I still belt it out at the top of my lungs anyway, much to Erik's dismay (and anyone else who is near enough to hear me).  In my mind, I sound like Celine Dion but in actuality I probably sound like a cross between Miss Piggy and a dying cat. 

I also love music.  More specifically, I love Christmas music.  I try to hold out until the day after Thanksgiving to start playing it but I have to admit I've been secretly listening to it much earlier this year.  Included in our cable package is a whole bunch of music stations.  One of them, called "The Sounds of the Season", plays just that--seasonal music.  For the beginning of my maternity leave it played that weird New Age stuff you'd hear in a massage parlor or an acupuncturists office (I know, because I tried acupuncture to get pregnant--it didn't work and the music sucked).  Apparently New Age music is seasonal for summer?  Then, once fall came, it started playing Halloween music.  I didn't even know there was Halloween music!  FYI, it isn't just spooky, it's down right creepy.  As in "old-van-with-no-windows" creepy.  However, the day after Halloween the channel started playing Christmas music!  It was probably about 60 degrees on November 1st but I had Christmas music on!  Erik came home that day from work, shook his head, grabbed the remote and turned off the TV.  Kade and I were right in the middle of singing along to, "Walkin' In a Winter Wonderland".  Even I'll admit it was a bit early for that.

I want Kade to love music as much as I do so I always have something playing.  I'm also curious about the whole "nature vs. nurture" thing.  Lady A had mentioned that she likes to sing and was in the choir.  So, that must mean, unlike me, she's good at it.  I figure if I nurture Kade's musical abilities then maybe his natural musical talent will shine.  I hope so anyway!  I also want Kade to take guitar lessons because then we can sing duets with an accompaniment!  Besides, what could be cuter than a little boy playing a guitar??

Happy Thanksgiving!!  And let the Christmas music begin!!!

Of course, no post is complete without a couple of pictures of the Kade Man:

He's not a huge fan of this chair yet but he looks so darn cute in it I had to post the picture!

Good morning, Sunshine!!

Love those blue eyes!!


  1. OMG. I love the sounds of the season station. I listened to it ALL day yesterday. I love Christmas music- it's never too early to listen to it. Sing your heart out Kristi! I'll be singing with you.

  2. I am singing with you ladies already. I sang x-mas music to Reed year round. Last year Reed and I sang Jingle Bell Rock until May. And no worries Kristi I can't carry a tune either but Reed thinks I'm great. Hopefully the twins will too-I've already started singing Silent Night to them:)

    Happy Singing!
