Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Kade's adoption was finalized in the court today!! What an amazing Christmas present for us! I wasn't really sure what to expect, I've never been in a court room before today. I was picturing Judge Judy but our judge was more like a Fairy Godmother. She was soooo nice and excited for us! It was very quick, relaxed and she seemed more excited to take pictures than anything. We began our adventure of starting a family 6 years ago, almost to the week! Today capped off a long journey filled with many ups and downs but the end result is the most perfect baby boy! Kade is our dream come true and he was well worth the wait!

He started out the day in his shirt, tie and vest that he wore for baptism.  But ended up in the courtroom in a t-shirt, bib and no socks.  He got a little warm during the wait.

The judge said he looked like Santa with his rosy red cheeks!

Grandpa's and Grandma's from both sides were able to take off work to join us.  We're lucky to have such loving, supportive parents. 
 After the court hearing, Erik and I took Kade to the mall to put a gift under the Sharing Tree.  I want to make it a tradition that each year Kade picks out a toy that he'd want and then give it to a child less fortunate.  Then, if he's a good boy, maybe Santa will bring him that same toy.  *wink, wink*  This year we gave a child a book by Dr. Seuss.  We were going to visit Santa as well but the line was a bit long and Kade wasn't really feeling the wait.  Maybe next year we'll get to meet the Jolly Old Elf. 

Kade was more interested in his fingers but I think he felt the spirit of giving :-)
We asked a nice, elderly lady to take our picture.  She might have had a bit of poor vision because I mentioned that we are hard to photograph due to our extreme height difference and usually Erik's head gets cut off.  She was so excited because she thought she took such a good picture of us .  We didn't want to ask her to take another one because she lost her original seat when she got up to take the pic and had just found a new one.  Plus, we didn't want to hurt her feelings because she was so proud of herself for getting all of Erik in the picture.  At least you can see his eyes!
This picture has nothing to do with today's post.  It's just a cute picture of the Kade Man.

Now, Erik and I are going to crack open the bottle of wine that Lady A and S gave us.  Merry Christmas!


  1. Congratulations! I love the picture the lady at the mall took--LOL!


  2. How exciting! See you guys soon! :-D
