Friday, December 24, 2010

4 Month Appointment Stats

Just a quick update on Kade's stats.  He had his 4 month appt. yesterday.  He's 17 pounds (75th percentile), 2 ft. 2 in. (75 percentile).  His head circumference took a pretty big leap from the 50th percentile back at the 2 month appt. to the 90th percentile at the 4 month.  The doctor says it all depends on who is measuring and where they take the measurement.  I like to think it's because he's got a big brain and he's EXTREMELY smart :-) 

He did really well with the shots, he was easily comforted and then he was all smiles.  He's healthy and meeting all of the milestones! 

I hope Santa is good to everyone this year!  Merry Christmas!

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