Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Finally! Video!!

This video was taken on December 12th, shortly after Lady A and S left. We tried to show them how much Kade enjoyed his Jumperoo but he wasn't having it when they were here. Of course, after they left he was all jumps and smiles! It's kind of a long video, my favorite part is right around 1:20. Listen closely to what Erik asks and how Kade reacts to the question.

Kade jumps in this thing like it's his job. Some people tell my their babies lived in the swing or bouncy seat, this baby lives in his jumperoo. If he's not in it, he'll look at it and start moving his legs like he's jumping in it! His legs are getting really strong as a result but I feel like maybe we need to teach him how to do push ups so his arms can catch up!!

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