Friday, September 24, 2010

Ugh. Beetle Juice.

Bad news first:  I get a phone call yesterday from one of my BFF's (who also happens to be the mom of Paige and Carter, the cutie pie twins from Kade's post).  She saw on TV that certain lots of the formula Kade and the twins are on had been recalled.  So, she went online to see if we were going to be affected.  We were.  Turns out there was ground up beetles and their larvae in the powdered formula.  We've been feeding Kade beetle juice!  Sick!!  I immediately called Erik so he could pick up some new formula on his way home from work and then went online to read about any symptoms we need to watch for.  Turns out it isn't as bad as it sounds and Kade probably won't be affected at all.  Intestinal discomfort and maybe decreased appetite.  You'll see by the picture below that Kade isn't missing any meals :-)
Those cheeks just keep getting bigger and now he's sporting Popeye forearms!  Love it!

Now for the good news:  We received a letter from Lady A yesterday!  She mentioned in her letter that she, and her whole family, read the blog!  I was so happy to hear that!  So, Hello! to Kade's birth family!! :-)  You guys are the reason for this blog so now that I know you read it, I'll keep posting (with lots of pictures!).  By the way, if you ever want to send a message, we created a separate email account for that purpose.

Couple more pictures of Kade's new favorite past time:
He's mesmerized by the scary cardinal

Also loves the baby duck

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