Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Story About Pooping

Disclaimer:  This really is a story about pooping so if this topic isn't your thing, please do not read any further.

People that know me know that I'm a bit Type A.  I LOVE making lists and crossing off accomplishments.  I like things clean, neat, orderly and I like for my loved ones to be regular in their "movements".  It means they are healthy and things are working properly and that gives me peace of mind.  We have a dog, Molly, if you can really call her a dog.  She's a 7 pound Yorkshire Terrier and looks more like a teddy bear if you ask me.  Anyway, before Kade came along she was THE baby (now she's my furry baby).  I made sure each and every day that she pooped twice and if I was present during the act I made sure they were normal.  One time she had a lot of blood in her stool so I promptly got a plastic bag and scooped it up in case we needed to make a trip to the vet.  For her next movement I wasn't going to be around so I made Erik in charge of examining it.  He even went so far as to take a picture of it on his cell phone and send it to me.  We still have the picture, I'll spare you the visual but let's just say there was no need for a vet call and I was much relieved.

You can imagine my delight when Kade was off the charts in his pooping the first week of life.  Doctors, nurses, other mothers were extremely impressed with the number of movements this kid was having.  I was quite proud!  Until, one day, he didn't poop.  He's only 3 weeks old, according to all of the literature he's supposed to be having 1-3 a day for the first 3 weeks of life.  I was freaking out.  I was ready to call the doctor but Erik talked me out of it.  The next day--success.  Then he went 2 days without pooping.  I called the nurse, she went through a series of questions with me and he passed all of those so she said to wait until it's been 72 hours.  If he hasn't had a movement in 72 hours we were going to have to bring him in.  This was at 9:00am, at 2:00pm it was going to be 72 hours so I decided to take matters into my own hands.  My mom had told me that sometimes when you take a rectal temperature it gets things moving.  So, at 11:00am I had the thermometer out, a bit of lubrication for a more comfortable insertion and a naked baby laying face down on the floor.  I was literally inches from his behind when...VOILA!...POOP!  It was almost like Kade was saying "Okay, okay, I'll poop, I'll poop!  Just get that thing away from me!"  It just kept coming and coming and Erik asked me if I was going to move him or just let him poop on the towel he was laying on.  Let me tell you, I was so excited that he was pooping that I wasn't dare going to move him for fear that it would stop the process.  Immediately afterwards we were having our first unscheduled bath.

I'll cap things off with a picture of my two favorite poopers.  This is the closest Molly has ever come to Kade.  She's even letting him touch her!!  Maybe they'll be friends afterall...

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