Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 21st

Today is our anniversary!  Erik and I have been married for 8 years which sounds like a long time but we've been together for 16 years!  That's over half of my life that I've been with Erik.  That's crazy because I still feel like I'm 21 (I'm actually 31. Sigh.)

Our story is kind of a funny one, if you find "stalker" behavior funny.  I started liking Erik when we were in 7th grade.  I sat behind him in English, 1st period, and I find it hard to believe that I actually passed that class because I'm pretty sure all I did was daydream about being his girlfriend the whole hour.  Everyone knew I was obsessed with Erik.  Erik knew I was obsessed with him!  I had my friends ask him out (do kids these days still use that phrase?) for me every day.  Every day he said "no".  We (I) would call him A LOT just to hear his voice but I'd hang up the minute anyone answered.  Which means that I hung up A LOT on Melody, Jenna or Erin because very rarely did the guys answer the phone.  They were always outside doing chores on the farm.  One of my best friends, Kari, lived out in the country and we'd have to drive past the road Erik lived on to get to her house.  Whenever we'd go out to Kari's house, we'd have whoever was driving us take a detour past his house and then I'd duck down just in case he was outside.  I didn't want him to see me!  My other best friend, Megan, was in 4-H and she just happened to be in the same 4-H club Erik was in!  Every year, as a 4-H project their club would pick up ditches.  I went and helped pick up garbage along side the roads because Erik was going to be there!  I wasn't even in 4-H!!  I know there are more embarrassing stories and any of my high school friends who read this blog could probably rattle off about 10 more stories.  Megan, who was my maid-of-honor, based her wedding toast on my stalker behavior!

It wasn't until the beginning of our sophomore year that Erik finally realized what I catch I was, or else he finally succumbed to my persistence.  Probably the latter.  We officially sealed the deal before God, family and friends on September 21, 2002.  Looking back on the last 8 years I realize how much closer we've become and how much stronger our relationship is.  Infertility is a hard battle.  I've been imagining our kids since 7th grade English class in 1991!  Children is all we've ever wanted, it's hard when it doesn't come easy.  I can't imagine dealing with infertility with anyone but Erik.  He's the best husband (and friend) a girl could ask for!  I've been blessed.

Luckily for me (and Erik) I don't have a scanner so I don't have any of our early years together on digital.  Someday, maybe, I'll post a few.  Let's just say I had some big hair and even bigger clothes!

1999 and Erik still wears that shirt!  I wash it weekly!

This picture makes me laugh every time I see it!  It was taken in Mexico a couple years before we were married.

The child of our dreams!  I'm lucky to have such handsome boys to look at every day!


1 comment:

  1. Ahh. . . such a sweet post! I TOTALLY remember you crushing on Erik. Your persistance obviously paid off and you two were totally meant for each other. :) I believe infertility tests relationships like no other, and I have no doubt it only made yours stronger. Happy Anniversary! :)
