Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kade's Favorite Aunts

When we first brought Kade home from the hospital we had lots of visitors.  LOTS.  However, nobody seemed to come visit between 9:00pm to 9:00am when we really could've used the company!  That is until Erik's sisters came to visit. 

Kade was born at 10:59pm on a Tuesday.  We worked all day Tuesday, meaning we got up at 5:30am.  We didn't sleep at all the night he was born so we were REALLY tired the next few days.  We brought Kade home on Thursday, August 12th and Erik's birthday was Friday, August 13th so we had a little birthday/meet Kade party at our house.  Sure enough, everyone was leaving around 9:00pm!  Erik and I were joking with his family that nobody ever stays later than that.  That's when Erin (the older of Erik's two younger sisters) spoke up and said "I'll stay".  We kind of laughed and thought "Yeah right, that's too good to be true", when she said, "No, I'm serious.  I'll be wide awake at 2:00am anyway."  Erin works overnights so she really is wide awake at 2:00am.  Erik and I looked at each other, smiled and said "Sounds good!  Here's Kade, we're going to bed!  Wake us up if you need anything!" 

At midnight I heard the screaming so I figured I should get up and help her change his diaper and get a bottle ready.  Imagine my surprise when I saw Erin AND Jenna (the younger of Erik's two sisters) tag teaming Kade on the changing table!  Jenna, who had left before it was decided Erin was going to stay, came back IMMEDIATELY after hearing that.  She wasn't about to let Erin get Kade all to herself.  Erik and I were fast asleep when she came back so we had no idea she was here. 

Of course, they had everything under control and didn't need my help.  They were charting his bottles, diaper activity and taking turns holding him.  They even had a late night snack of leftover birthday cake when Jenna was holding Kade.  She wasn't going to put him down just so she could eat so Erin lovingly fed her little sister cake and then some water while making sure to not drop any crumbs on Kade.  I would've loved to have joined them because I love spending time with them but at that point my pillow was the most important thing on my mind.

They even came back the next night and brought Jay (Jenna's husband) for extra support!  We are forever grateful to them for giving us 2 nights of blissful sleep knowing that Kade was in good hands.

Here's some pictures of the very excited aunts!

Aunt Erin holding Kade for the first time at the hospital

Aunt Jenna holding Kade for the first time

Kade's favorite aunts reading him his first book, "The Three Bears"

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