Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I hate to admit this because Kade is "perfect" but he's been a fairly fussy baby.  Usually in the evenings, starting around 5:00 (when Erik gets home) until about 10:00 when he finally falls asleep.  Poor Erik, for awhile there he only held Kade when he was crying!  It's starting to get better since we've passed the 6 week mark but we still have our days.  Turns out I might have had a little something to do with it which makes me feel extremely guilty.  Rookie mistake, I thought going for stroller rides would induce naps.  So, I've been planning our walks with our neighbor, Sara Jo and Michael, around Kade's nap time.  Whoops!  Apparently stroller rides are for awake time and naps are for the crib.

Don't be fooled, he's not really sleeping!

So, I've been spending the last few days trying to correct my mistake to get this kid the proper naps he deserves!  Today that means we might not make it out on our walk because Michael and Kade can't seem to synchronize their napping and eating times!  Oh well, there's always tomorrow.  And with better sleep comes more of these so I guess I can handle a missed walk:

Somebody is excited that the Twins won the division!

1 comment:

  1. My girl is EXACTLY the same way. From about 5pm until she finally gives up and sleeps she is a fussy girl. In the mornings and afternoon, as happy as can be. People who only see her in the evenings are starting to wonder why we have such a crabby girl. :)
