Thursday, April 30, 2020

Week 798, or so it feels.  Everything would be perfect if they'd just cancel school!  This homeschooling is for the birds!  

Kade got to go on his first turkey hunt this year.  Luck hasn't been with him so far, but he's going out again this weekend and I have a feeling his time is coming.  He's loving every minute of it and he's definitely the hunter in the family.

They had a school assignment where they had to use the letters in their name to describe themselves.  I had to giggle at his "E"..."I eat".  Yes he does!  I swear they are both in a never ending growth spurt that started the day school let out.

My dad gave Mason his old lawn mower.  He drives around the yard pretending it's his combine.  It's providing hours of fun!

Catfish hunting

Last weekend I took out a couple loaves of frozen bread dough to use for homemade pizza crusts.  I put them out in the morning, went outside for the day and completely forgot about them.  I could not stop giggling when I came in and saw this.

So, of course, I had to show the boys.

Erik got in on the action too!
We were all laughing so hard our stomachs hurt.

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