Saturday, May 9, 2020

Ok, it's official, we've gone off the deep end as the pictures below will show.  I guess the good thing is, at least we're all enjoying ourselves!  We haven't had this much time on our hands since before I can even remember.  Projects are getting done, projects we didn't even know we wanted to do are getting started, the boys have found a rhythm together that has tightened their bond even more than it was.  Erik and I have started running again!  We haven't done that since before Kade.  It's not pretty, it's not fast and it's not far but it feels good to be consistent again.  Oh, and there's only 10 school days left...but who's counting.

The boy's idea of "going out" nowadays is to go to a tree in the middle of a field that has a little water running by it.  So, at the end of the day, when their school work is done, we head out to the tree and they play for hours.
Of course Mason attempted to jump across the water.  And missed.  Thank goodness Kade was there to help!  Although Kade was laughing so hard I'm not sure how much help he was.

I showed Erik this picture from Pinterest.
He thought it was hilarious.

2 weeks later, he made this!
Yep, we're officially feeding the squirrels.
And he made 2 of them so we can feed squirrels at the front of the house and the back of the house.

And last, but definitely not least, the boys needed haircuts.  All of them.
Mohawks for everyone!

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