Friday, April 17, 2020

So we had our first taste of spring a couple weeks ago.  Since then it's snowed 9" and of course, stupid me, I washed and put away ALL of our snow gear.  This isn't my first rodeo so I'm not sure why I fell for it when MN teased us with 60's and sun.  Anyway, Erik and the boys managed to accomplish a somewhat big outside job in that little time!

But first, the weekly update.  School is still going fairly well.  I don't love it, the boys don't love, Erik really doesn't love it on the days I'm at work and he's trying to work from home with our handsome, little scholars.  But, we don't complain because we know how lucky and blessed we are.  Everyone is still healthy, happy, we all still enjoy each other's company, and these boys (Erik included) are eating me out of house and home!
Mason's Easter art project.
He named him "Roley" (pronounced Rawley).

It was "Hat Day" at school that day!
For real, it was.  
All of the teachers were wearing hats for their online classes.

A picture of Mason's daily journal that we submit to the teacher every Friday!

Onto the project.

When we moved in there was a basic swing set in the back yard.  The boys played on it exactly 6 times in the 6 years we've been here.  Being the age appropriate hoarders that they are, they've always refused when we say we should take it down.
Since Kade has been mowing though, he's changed his tune.  Mason was happy to help when he realized it meant he got to destroy something.
I tried to talk them into keeping the base of it and attaching a porch swing to put by the fire pit.  I lost.  The lumber is going to be used to build a lean-to for firewood.  Lame.

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