Saturday, April 4, 2020

I've been trying to remember (and remind Erik) to take more pictures during this time to document what we've been doing during this unprecedented experience.  After looking through the pictures I had to giggle because I realized that we haven't been doing anything different!  Besides the boys being home from school and Erik working from home every day, we've literally been doing what we've always done!  Obviously, for the most part, we were hermits before it was required of us!

Brother snuggle time

We watched the movie, "Little Giants" and Mason went through a couple day phase of being a football player.  Here he is "training" in pants and jersey.

Kade helping Mason get his reading done.

Last spring, while I was on a run, I got chased by a family of weasels.
A couple days ago the boys caught this guy in our shed.
That's called Karma, weasel!
They let him go on the way to Whitewater when they went fishing.  This little fella can now chase another poor schmuck just trying to get some exercise!!

Mason, bird hunting.

I don't think they even got a nibble but they were just happy to be out of the house for awhile!

First day of online learning...and the "fun" begins!!!

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