Friday, April 24, 2020

I don't even know what week we're on for home schooling/social distancing.  I do know that the weather has finally turned and these boys want NOTHING to do with school work!!  They head outside in the morning and don't come in until 7:00 for supper.  I'm about ready to hang up my imaginary teaching license and call it good for the year!

We got word a week or two ago that there may be some temporary furloughs and pay decreases at our jobs.  Erik got notice that he is taking a 7% pay decrease and will need to furlough for 6 weeks.  Basically he's making about what he did 2 years ago and since our finances haven't changed since then, we'll be fine.  It also means that he has most of the summer off.  He's not been outwardly showing it but I can tell he's secretly pretty excited about this.  So far, my pay and hours are basically the same.  I will be taking an extra day or two off every pay period but I have a feeling my work could pick up soon.  So, I'm enjoying my days home while I can!  And let me tell you, if I have to start going in to work more, then we will DEFINITELY be playing hooky from home school!!

Easter was a bit different this year but we still hid some eggs and had a delicious brunch of egg bake and monkey bread.
It also snowed 9 inches on Easter so we laid around all day watching movies and zooming with family.

We played a silly game when we were eating.  You had to take a bite and not smile.  If you smiled, you had to do 5 push ups.
Guess who smiled!

Umbrella Day for school

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