Thursday, March 26, 2020

Week 2

We're still holding strong here!  Everyone is healthy and happy (for the most part).  The days when it's been raining all day get a little long and tensions run a little high but as long as we can get outside, we're good!  
The boys are very good at playing with each other.  I told Erik the other day that I'm very thankful this is happening when the boys are at the ages they are.  They're self sufficient, they play well together, we don't have to watch their every move like we did when they were toddlers and we are still in charge of their social life so whatever plans we make (or lack thereof), they have to go along with anyway.  I can't imagine dealing with this when they were babies/toddlers or trying to keep teenagers in the house and away from friends. 
Unfortunately I still have to go in to work and my work isn't really slowing down all that much yet.  And school starts back up (online) on Monday.  So the "honeymoon" is officially over in 4 days.  It's been a great ride: we've stayed up too late, watched too many movies, ate too much popcorn and other treats and hung out in the same clothes for a few too many days in a row!  So far, we're all still enjoying it!!
Fishing for alligator gar off the front porch

Kade wanted nothing to do with my picture taking but I did manage to get a couple thumbs up!

Hopefully these are the last pictures of snow!!

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