Friday, March 2, 2018

These pictures sum up my boys perfectly.  There is no doubt in my mind that Mason is going to be a motor head.  Engines, keys, drills, anything involving small parts and fine motor skills--this kid's got it in the bag.  Right now he could care less about sports but ask him which key goes in which lock or ignition and he's got you covered.

Kade, on the other hand, is all sports and friends.  All.the.time.  All weekend, every weekend, he's begging for friends to come over.  The only way to get him to stop asking for a friend is to play a sport activity with him.  Or take him to a sporting event.  

Thanks to Mason, Erik can never find his tools.  But it doesn't matter anyway because, thanks to Kade, he's too busy playing catch or shooting hoops to have time to use them!  Whew, these boys are busy!!

Thank you to Grandpa and Grandma H and my friend, Mandi, for supplying the pictures to this week's post!

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