Saturday, March 31, 2018

Lots of pictures this week!

Last Friday the 1st and 2nd grade classes at Kade's school put on a Spring program.  The theme was pajama party so they all got to wear their pajamas to school.  It was highly entertaining and pretty darn cute!!

This is all of Kade's class!
Kade's 3rd from the right, top row.  

Mason had some little buddies over, Harper and Nyle.

This past Wednesday cousin Violet came to play for a little bit.
They got to frost some sugar cookies for a snack, and then again at dessert!  When I'm playing "Aunt" there are no dessert rules!!

These are out of order but I'm too lazy to put them in order.
Last Sunday it was cold and windy but the boys needed to get outside and run around.  Luckily we had a bunch of friends in the same predicament!  So, we met at the football field and let them loose.  It was so fun we didn't even notice the cold and the wind.

Mom Pyramids:
Kade and I were the weakest link, he kept falling off!!

It was Mandi's birthday, therefore she got to be the top of the triangle.

JB (on the far left) didn't know what he was getting into having Mason on his back.  One of Mason's favorite things in the world is horsey rides.  I bet he asks Erik 100 times a day, "Dad.  Can you be my horse?"  After the pictures were taken I literally had to pry Mase off of JB's back because he wasn't budging.

I swear we actually did play football, these cheerleader poses were AFTER the game.

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