Friday, February 23, 2018

I took Mason in for his 3 year Well Child check up last week...only 53 weeks late...whoops, my bad.  So, it ended up being his 4 year Well child check up.  Oh well.  Such is life.  He's healthy and there's no concerns!  
Shockingly, and by that I mean this should come as no shock to anyone who's seen this kid, he's in the >97th percentile for height, weight and BMI.  Kade was in the same percentile at 3 year as well.  God has blessed me with some BIG boys!!

There's a kid on Kade's basketball team that is very shy and tentative.  There's only one game left in the season and he had yet to score a basket (I think he's only even taken 1 or 2 shots total).  So last week the boys on the team made it their mission to get this kid a basket.  They passed him the ball every chance they got and he drove to the basket and shot it every time.  He did finally score!  After the game Kade told me that he was so excited for this kid he wanted to run out on the court and give him a hug.  Later that night, as I was tucking Kade in, as usual I asked him what the best part of his day was.  On Saturday's his answer is always playing the basketball game, however on this particular Saturday he got to see his birth mom and grandma so I wondered if that wouldn't be his best part of the day.  He completely surprised me with his answer.  He said the best part of his day was "when Simeon scored his basket".  If that doesn't make a mama proud!!!

A couple weeks ago we went to a hotel to celebrate Mason's and Melissa's February birthdays.
We might have to use the excuse of celebrating half-birthdays because it was so fun we want to go back!

Mason and Melissa blowing out their "4" candle

I love this picture!!

This is ok....for now :-)

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