Friday, March 9, 2018

This past weekend we had to say good bye to Erik's aunt Connie.  She played such a major role in Erik's upbringing as his aunt but also as the mother of his cousin/best friend, Damon.  They are the same age so they were more like brothers growing up, going to school and working on the farms together.

She was always the loudest fan cheering Damon and Erik on at their games.  Not only would her voice rise above the rest of the crowd, she would also ring a cowbell--just in case they couldn't hear her.  She would always make sure their bellies were full after chores, bailing hay, before games...anytime really, she made sure they were fed with delicious home cooked, farm approved meals.  The best way into Erik's heart is through his stomach and there's two women in his life who are head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to making meals and desserts, his mom and his aunt Connie.  I really can't do justice explaining the impact she had on Erik's life.

Connie was one of our fiercest supporters.  When we lost faith of ever becoming parents, she would quietly let us know she was praying for us.  She never gave up hope.  When we were blessed with Kade and then Mason, she beamed with happiness and jumped for joy.  Everyone should be blessed with an Aunt Connie in their lives.

Those waffle cookies are one of Kade's favorites!

You will be dearly missed, Connie!  

I've been terrible at taking pictures lately, so it's an oldie but a goodie of the two boys who are the joy and the light of our lives.

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