Thursday, April 5, 2018

Easter Part 1

Like usual, the Saturday before Easter, Erik "played" in the alumni basketball tournament (played is in quotes because his back was sore so he didn't play in the 2nd game).  They got 2nd place though!
Erik and I have much more fun watching the boys watch the games anyway so it was a win-win for everyone!

High 5, Uncle Mike!

Easter Sunday we had our family celebration (next post), church and then off to Erik's parents for more celebrating.  Grandma set up a big hunt, complete with rules (that the kids somewhat followed) and games afterwards.  The weather was a far cry from last year when everyone was in shorts and t-shirts but hey, at least there wasn't snow yet!!

Mason and Isaac listening intently to the rules before embarking on the egg hunt.

Opening the goodies!

Cousins Eve and Lillian, cute little bunnies!

Kade absolutely LOVES hanging out with Eve.  They've got a special bond!

Erin (one of Erik's sisters) and her daughter Lillian.

Mason got a little muddy outside so Easter turned into a "Pants Optional" party.  
He wore the look well.

All the babies had me missing my Baby Kade.  So I decided to carry him around like I used to when he was a baby...on my chest, face out!  He wasn't as big of a fan as he used to be of this position.

While I had him in my grasp, I decided to go all out and get a snuggle in!  Thank goodness Jenna was there to capture it!!

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