Monday, January 1, 2018

My brother and his family came up from Atlanta to spend Christmas break with us.  So after ice skating on Christmas Eve morning, we went to my parents to let the week of playing begin.  I'd say it started off with a bang.  
Whenever Mason goes to my parents he immediately finds my mom's old cell phone in the box of toys and sticks it in his pocket.  He's done that for a couple years now and the cell phone has never worked.  Never once turned on, never once shown even a blip of power left in it.  But not that morning.  That morning it turned on, Mason and Noella (both 3 years old) were in hog heaven to have a "working" cell phone in their possession.  None of us really thought anything about it since there was no service--or so we thought.  
Kade came in multiple times to tell us they were calling 911 but Kade's been known to exaggerate the truth and we knew that neither Mason nor Noella actually KNEW the numbers 9-1-1, let alone dial it and push send (it was an old slide phone).  Imagine our shock when Noella came in, hands the phone to her dad, and on the other end is a man saying, "Stop calling!!  Where are your parents?!?!?"  Jeremy quickly hung up the phone, took out the battery and that was the end of it--or so we thought.
Thirty seconds later, a police officer pulled up in the driveway!!  Erik went out to explain the situation, answered a few questions and that truly was the end of it.  Turns out Kade wasn't stretching the truth after all!  It also turns out that once old phones are retired, they are automatically set to call emergency numbers.  So they weren't actually pushing the numbers 9-1-1, they were just pushing the call button repeatedly.  Lesson learned.
Of course, the rest of the day Mason was beyond excited about a police officer, with a gun and handcuffs, showing up at the house because (in Mason's words), "we were accidentally calling 901.  But it was an accident, right mom?"
The rest of the week was much less exciting.

Our little juvenile delinquents redeeming themselves
 at the Christmas Eve service in church.

Vivienne, Noella, Kade and Mason

The hatchimals were the hit of the morning.

Kade was in charge of the incubator light (a flashlight)

I love everything about this picture!!  

Nail salon...

...and horse rides.

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