Friday, January 5, 2018

Molly Mae

This is not the topic I hoped to be writing about this week.  It's been a rough couple days for us (well, not for the boys so much).  Molly's health deteriorated fast and on Thursday, January 4, 2018 we had to put our first "baby" to rest.  She was 15 1/2 years old.

Molly was my wedding gift from Erik.  I chose her over a honeymoon and so we spent the week after our wedding in our new home potty training our new puppy.  It was exactly where I wanted to be.  I told Erik when we started dating in 10th grade that when I grew up I was going to have a Yorkie and her name was going to be Molly.  

And here I am, all grown up at the ripe old age of 23, exactly one week before our wedding, holding my Molly.  

She was our everything in those first few years of our marriage.  We couldn't get enough of her and she was treated like a princess.  She was my baby when a baby was all I wanted but couldn't have.  After every failed infertility treatment, through all of the tears and sadness, she was my comfort.  She let us hold her like a baby.  She let us snuggle her like a baby.  She brought smiles to our faces when we needed them most.  I look back at those years and all I can think is, "What would we have done if we didn't have Molly?".  

When we were blessed with baby Kade, and I was overwhelmed with new motherhood, I would lay on the bed next to her and bury my face into her her furry body until I could get my bearings back.  It may seem weird to some people to think that a dog could have that much significance to a person but she did to me, and Erik too.  

Unfortunately she was THE WORST possible dog for children.  She spent too many years being the princess before kids came along.  She never bit the boys but she sent the message loud and clear that she wanted nothing to do with them.  That may have been a blessing in disguise because neither one has noticed that she's gone!  Looking back on the 10,000 (9,368 to be exact) pictures I have since Kade and Mason were born, these are the only ones I could find of them in the same picture!

My goal for Molly was to live to 14 years old.  She far exceeded that expectation and I'm forever grateful for her companionship, love, snuggles and memories.  She will always hold a very special place in my heart.  

Thank you, Molly Malloo.
Now go chase all of the critters out of the yard.  
And remind those German Shepherds who's boss.
I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a sweet post and I’m so sorry orru for your and Eriks loss. And what a seeet wedding gift. Thinking of you guys. Whoever said animals aren’t part of the family has never lost one. The loss and pain is real. You guys clearly gave her an amazing life. I too had a pet while going through infertility (failed) treatments. And it was like my pet knew the pain. She showed me more empathy than many of my humans did. Thinking of you...
