Thursday, January 11, 2018

Wrapping up the rest of the holiday pictures this week!  When I look back at all of these pictures, I can't believe how blessed we are.  We got to spend Christmas and New Years with all of our parents and siblings, their spouses, nieces and nephews.  Everyone was healthy and happy.  God is good, my heart is smiling.

Can these boys be any more handsome?!?

I love this picture!
That smile...I can't get enough of it.

I had to work a couple days over the break so Erik took the boys ice skating.  

Then Kade convinced him to stop at the local rink to see if any hockey games were going on.  They sat for a couple hours watching random teams play.  Kade is obsessed with hockey--lucky for us his basketball league started immediately after New Years, so he's back into basketball!  Whew!

Grandpa and Grandma H got the boys an ice hockey table for Christmas.

We did manage to get started on a project over break.  
We finally tore the gross carpet off of the stairs!  

Maybe someday we'll finish those...ahem, Erik.

My sleepy boys, snuggled in, watching a movie by the light of that beautiful Christmas tree.

We celebrated Christmas with Erik's family on New Years Eve day.  It was the coldest New Years on record at a brisk -20 degrees!  We spent the day lounging, eating, playing, eating, eating and eating.

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