Tuesday, December 26, 2017

So Many Pictures So Little Time

Christmas came and went in a blink of an eye and we packed as much fun as we could in a 3 day period!  Thus the delay in this week's post.

Saturday morning we headed down to La Crosse for our annual visit to Riverside Park's Christmas lights display with Megan and her family.  We always spend the day chasing kids, hanging out and making memories.  Except this year we didn't have to chase kids!  They are all big enough now to play without our constant supervision.  I don't think the 4 adults have ever sat on the couch at the same time for that long!  It was relaxing, it was lazy, it was amazing!!  

Taking advantage of what little snow they had.

The 10 of us!
Megan and I have been best friends since the first week of Kindergarten.  
This day is one we look forward to all year.

Mason and Jack looking at the reindeer while we wait to see Santa.

Waiting patiently for their turn to see Santa and Mrs. Claus.
There was a big display of a village with a train going around it.  The kids loved it!

We did this pose for a picture when we were 5 years old.  We've continued reenact it throughout our lives.  Figured the Christmas lights were as good of time as any to bust it out!

Christmas Eve morning we promised Kade we'd go to the ice rink in town for a little bit.  Never mind that it was only 10 degrees!  Nothing stops that kid from playing sports!!

Mason really wanted "real ice skates" for Christmas.  He's not quite ready for sharp objects on his feet though.  Luckily he was happy just wearing boots on the ice!

Kade, on the other hand, still insists on looking the part for whatever sports he's playing!  Thus the tights and shorts--like REAL hockey players wear.  We did talk him into sweat pants under the tights though.

And just some goofy pictures of the boys...

We didn't even try for that perfect placement of the tree topper in the background!  That was just icing on the cake of this amazing picture.

You can't tell in this picture but he has 3 sets of goggles on his head.  That was his "rock star" look.  Can't resist a cute kid, I mean Rock Star, on the toilet!

Next up...8 million pictures of the boys with their cousins, Vivienne and Noella, who are currently visiting from Atlanta!!!

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