Sunday, January 21, 2018

The holidays are over and the long winter months are ahead of us now.  With the crazy cold temperatures we've been cooped up inside more than the boys can handle.  So what is there to do, inside the house, with 2 rambunctious little boys?  Sports, of course!  

Our friends, the Z's, are a wrestling family so they brought over an extra singlet and we had ourselves a wrestling meet in the basement.  I'm not going to lie, Mason looks pretty darn cute in a singlet and head gear!

Pausing for the National Anthem before the start of the meet.  


Kade's basketball playing days have officially started.  He's on a real team, with real practices and real games.  He's been waiting for this day for at least 5 years.  Erik got suckered into being a coach, luckily at this age, the main concern is making sure the boy's shoes are tied and which hoop to shoot at.
Off to their very first practice!

Kade's friend Tyeson is also on the team.  
How many more years am I going to catch these 2 raiding my cupboards after practice?  Figured I should document the first one!

First game!

Kade wanted me to take a picture of his shooting form :-)

My handsome boys!

(Kade lost 3 teeth in 1 week.  His smile is looking a little rough these days)

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