Thursday, January 25, 2018

Warning:  This is quite possibly the most boring post ever.  However our lives are pretty boring these days--work/school/daycare repeat.  Not that I'm complaining, these boys are the energizer bunnies all of the time so there's never a dull moment when they're in the house!  

Currently, they are out snowmobiling.  Therefore, currently I'm sitting on the couch and getting caught up on Ellen!  You'd think I should get caught up on laundry/cleaning/chores but...nah.

Since there isn't a whole lot going on these days, there's not a whole lot of pictures to post.

Remember when the Vikings won that game with 10 seconds left on the clock?
Yeah, that was awesome.
Jay ended up on the bottom of the celebratory pig pile!

Unfortunately the only thing good to come of the following week's Vikings game is this picture.  
I just wanted a picture of them in their fan gear, completely unintentional that there's a giant beer can in the background!  Whoops.

And then there's this guy....

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