Thursday, September 29, 2016

 I was trying to figure out what this week's post should be about (besides the obvious stars of the blog) and I realized I forgot to post about our camping trip on Labor Day weekend!  We went back to the same campground we started the summer with on Memorial weekend, with the same group of friends.  Start summer with a bang and end summer with a bang, right?!

I'm not going to lie, as I sit here freezing in sweatpants, a sweatshirt and a blanket on me, it's tough to look at these pictures when it was still warm and sunny!!  Oh summer….you come too slowly and leave too quickly!

Fish Slayer
Check out those skills and that super confident expression. 
That record breaking fish was tough to get off the hook!

I think Kade was starting to lose his patience with me.

I'd rather be holding this squirmy, little fish instead!

6 dads and 6 moms….
Where are the kids???

Busy forming a bike gang, apparently.

And hanging out in questionably safe water.
After the boys had spent an hour playing in this creek we discovered there were leeches in it.
If anyone has seen the movie, "Stand By Me", you'll remember the leech scene vividly.  Well, that's immediately what went through our minds when we found the leech.  You've never heard moms and dads scream, "GET OUT OF THE WATER!!!!", faster and louder than we yelled it.  We then proceeded to make the boys check their underwear.  Luckily, no one had any on them!

Handsome boys…and Charlotte photo bombing in the bottom right corner :-)

And then there's these 2 cuties!
I seriously cannot get enough of them!  They play so well together...

See what I mean??

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