Friday, September 16, 2016

First Day of School….and Football Season

I'm a little behind on this post because I've been trying to play catch up from August!  Kade started Kindergarten (how is this possible already?!?) last Tuesday.  Well, technically Tuesday was only for 2 hours and I was there with him.  So, his actual real first day of school was Wednesday.  All day, every day is wearing the kid (and mom) out!  

He seems to like it!  I don't hear too many complaints about having to go.  He's not a huge fan of riding the bus in the morning but he's one of the last on so he doesn't know how good he really has it!  Speaking of riding the bus…we made it 1 whole week before missing it.  My goal was to never miss the bus.  We were driving down our driveway yesterday as the bus was driving away.  7 days into school.  New goal…never miss the bus again.  

Speaking of school….school lunches.  Kade is now on the hot lunch program with intentions (mine) that I would send him with a cold lunch a couple times a week.  However, Kade told me that he LOVES the food and, quite honestly, it's the BEST food he's ever eaten!  I guess that's a good thing but what does that say about me?  And Grandma?  And anyone else who's ever fed him?  And his taste buds?

Anyway, onto the good stuff...

After the 2 hour orientation on Tuesday, we got the 5 boys together for some playtime.  
It may have been more for the moms though….

The  next day Mason and I had our first Wednesday, just the 2 of us.
Someone was REALLY excited to have ALL of the toys to himself!  Even the ones that his brother won't let him touch.  
Don't worry Mase, I won't tell Kade if you don't!

The start of the school year means the start of football season!
We took both boys to the first high school game of the season.  Which means Kade is now into football and football only.  

Mason was mainly there for a different reason…

However something from the game must've rubbed off on him (besides butter).  Look at this little running back in the making!

That little stumble at the very end confirms my beliefs that Mason is probably going to be a lineman :-)

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