Sunday, September 11, 2016

Vacation Part 2

After camping at Yogi we came home for a couple days to regroup and then we repacked the camper for the 2nd leg of our vacation.  Sunday-Friday we camped just the 4 of us.  Not going to lie, Sunday was a little rough!!  The boys were still crazy from camping with a whole bunch of friends just a few days before so it took a bit of an adjustment when they realized they just had us to play with.  This campground was awesome though and had plenty of activities to keep them busy!  3 different playgrounds, a brand new water park, a fishing pond and it was just a short distance to a bike path.  Oh, and it had a big petting zoo with lots of animals to feed (which just happened to be Mason's ABSOLUTE FAVORITE spot in the campground!  I can't tell you how many times we heard Mase ask, "Feed kickens?"  No, that's not a typo--that's just how he says "chickens").

I more than made up for my forgetting my camera in the first half of our vacation.  Prepare yourselves for pictures overload...

Kade loved this fishing pond.  He pretty much had it to himself for the whole week.  The fish were biting so much that at one point he was just dropping the hook in without any bait and they would STILL get hooked!

Mason wasn't as into it but thankfully there was a playground right next to it!

 Mason's "smile" in these pictures does nothing to fully represent just how much he loved the petting zoo.  Our site was right next to it and the donkeys and roosters were sure to wake us up bright and early every.single.morning.  Erik and I basically took turns hanging out by the beasts while Mason talked to and fed them.

Thanks for posing with Mason deer!

Like I said, the boys were used to having someone to play with every minute of every day from our Yogi trip.  So, it took quite awhile for them to realize they just had each other and themselves to play with on this trip.  I can't remember when they finally just sat down and played without us but when they did, Erik and I were sure to document it!  And then take advantage by sitting down ourselves!

Kade lost tooth #2 while on this trip!  It was right before bed when it came out.  He asked if he needed to put a sign outside of the camper so the tooth fairy knew he was in there and not at home.  Luckily the tooth fairy was able to find him, and happened to have a little cash in her wallet!  Whew!

Another fishing excursion but on the lake this time.  They didn't catch anything but they sure did look cute trying!

Mason carried a rock all the way from the camper down to this lake so he could throw it in.  He threw it as hard as he could and then yelled, "YES!  MADE IT!".  Ummm…good shot buddy…and I would've been a little worried if you hadn't made it!  But, I like your enthusiasm little man!!

It was a great week for the water park!!  Sunny and warm almost everyday.  Which was good because the water was a little chillier than what we're used to!  We've been spoiled with warm pool water so the boys don't know what to do with themselves when the water temp is under 90 degrees!  Ok, so maybe it's more "I don't know what to do with myself"--it doesn't seem to bother the boys that much :-)

Hey!  Look at that!  A picture of me and the Tall Guy!  I can't remember the last picture we took of just the 2 of us!  We tried to get the boys in this picture too but they weren't having it.

We spent one day on the bike trail.  It was awesome!!  Not too hot, no hills, oh and there was ice cream waiting for us at the end of our journey!  The only problem was we couldn't stop for too long on the trail because the mosquitos would swarm us immediately!  Dang skeetas.

Mason has a future in personal training.  He yelled "GO MOM!  GO FASTER MOMMY!" for most of the trip.  Then he would help me with my core exercises and balance by leaning side to side as far and as fast as he could.  
See that thing between my eyes?  It's a squished mosquito.  I didn't even know it was there until I looked at this picture.

We biked about 7.5 miles to get to this destination.  Then we turned around and biked back because this town didn't have any ice cream!  We biked close to 15 miles that day!  It was so fun and the boys loved it!  Kade did great on his little bike and Mason took a mini cat nap on the way back.  Can't wait to do it again!!

Unfortunately that's the end of our August Month of Fun.  Back to work, back to reality and…Back to SCHOOL!!!  We have ourselves a Kindergartener!!!!!

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