Thursday, September 22, 2016

Kade's 5 Year Appointment, A Year Late

I should have Erik tell this story but considering the last time Erik did a post Kade couldn't walk yet, I figure I better just handle it.

A couple weeks ago Kade had his 5 year well child appointment.  Yes, a couple weeks ago Kade turned 6.  For whatever reason, we missed his 5 year check up.  I didn't even realize it until I was going over the list for Kindergarten and I realized he was missing a few immunizations.  I called the doctors office and sure enough his appointment got overlooked last year.  
I was able to get him in right away but Erik had to be the one to take him.  We told Kade he was probably going to get 3 shots but there could be more.  So, he knew going in it wasn't going to be a fun visit.
The doctor came in, did his routine exam, gave Erik the all clear that Kade is healthy and has no health concerns.  They just needed to wait for the nurse to come in and give the shots.  45 minutes later she came.  Kade was hungry and nervous to say the least.  She stuck in the 3 needles back-to-back-to-back and said he was good to go!  
Erik said he was very brave, he winced but he held in the tears.  They couldn't wait to get out of the tiny room and into fresh air so they left immediately.  Erik had to stop at the desk quick and Kade said his leg hurt.  A split second later he was passed out on the floor.  He fainted!  4 nurses and a doctor rushed to him, got him into a room, gave him cookies and juice and checked his vitals.  He was fine.  It was just the combination of many factors:  the extremely long wait, the dread of the needles, no food in his stomach, he held his breath during the shots and he left immediately after getting them.  Needless to say all of those tears he was holding in were free flowing after that!!
And now doctor visits have probably been ruined for life.  Great.

The stats:
Height:  4 ft 2 in   >97%
Weight:  60.2 lbs   95%

Yep.  He's still a big boy!

And handsome as ever!

This little guy isn't too hard on the eyes either!

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