Thursday, October 6, 2016

Gopher Game

A couple weeks ago we took Kade to his annual Gopher Football Game.  This year, along with cousin Violet, our friends The Z's joined us.  I'm pretty sure it's safe to say everyone had a great time!  And, the Gophers won!
We had to leave bright and early to make the 11:00 game and still have time for the important stuff….tailgating!
This is probably the quietest it was in the car, when no one was talking (aka screaming) because they were smiling for the camera!  They were a bit excited, I think.
L to R: Paityn, Kade, Charlie

Kids vs Dads in, what else, touch football of course!
Those people in the bus had the right idea, I've never seen so many adults (enjoying adult beverages) get off of a bus before!

Mom's making sure the food and drinks don't fall out the back!  It was a tough job but we managed to do it.

The whole gang!

Violet, Kade, Paityn and Charlie riding the student shuttle to the game.  Last year that was the highlight of the trip for Vi and Kade.

It just happened to be Goldy's birthday that weekend so we got to enjoy free birthday cake!

Like father like son?

The following pictures are the ones Kade took at the game.  He's so proud of them he would be disappointed if I didn't include them too.

Cutest fans of the game, in my unbiased opinion!!  
(Isaac included, but he was busy napping on a lap at the time of this picture)

Since we didn't take Mason to the game (chasing a 2 year old in that situation sounds beyond exhausting!), he didn't make it into any pictures.  He did, however, get to have a sleep over at Grandpa and Grandma's where he got to stay up late and eat all the popcorn he wanted! 

I absolutely LOVE these pictures!  They captured Mason's heart melting smile perfectly!
He made a Johnny Appleseed crown at daycare.  

Our little Gopher fan!  
I'm not sure I've fully explained just how OBSESSED he is with mice (mou), chipmunks (kipmunk) and mice traps.  He cannot get enough of them!!  He even has his very own mouse trap (unused) at G&G's that he carries around with him wherever he goes.
Give this kid a mouse trap and a set of car keys (real ones because he knows which key goes to which ignition) and he'd be the happiest 2 year old you've ever seen.

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