Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Vacation Part 1

We took a 12 days off in August to "relax", play and have fun with friends.  We started the first half of our vacation camping at Yogi Bear with 3 other families.  The weather was perfect and everyone had a blast!  

I forgot my camera so all of these pictures are courtesy of everyone else.  Unfortunately there aren't many of Mason, he seemed to be napping or hanging out in his all time favorite spot--the driver's spot in the golf cart--whenever pictures were taken.

Of course the playground was turned into a ninja warrior course!

Dads vs Kids in Ladder Ball.  
I'm pretty sure the kids won, well at least they won the "Cutest Players" award.

Golf cart fun!  Thank goodness Uncle Jay rented it or Mason would've been bored!

I have no idea what's going on in this picture--I can only assume they're comparing pocket sizes?

Mason sharing his ride with a couple of cute little ladies!

Pool Time!!
I'm not sure who had more fun--the kids?  Or the dads?
You decide.

It was such a fun trip!!  We swam, rode the train, rode bikes, mini golfed, had golf cart rides, dance partied, watched Yogi Bear cartoons and movies at the outdoor theater in the evenings and PLAYED, PLAYED, PLAYED!!  

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